Windows remote Desktop

I use Window’s built-in RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) on a daily basis. I sit downstairs using my laptop connected to my main PC upstairs – it means I can sit in comfort, not have the noise from the PC and watch my better TV, and stuff.

Anyhoo. There are always a few questions people have when using it, including how do you restart the remote machine. or even shut it down.

The two main keyboard commands that you will find useful are:


The ctrl-alt-break (this means pressing the CTRL (Control), ALT and the BREAK keys at the same time) will shrink the full-screen display down into a window, allowing you to alt-tab and/or navigate your local PC without having to use the mouse to minimise the window.


This keypress combination is similar to ctrl-alt-delete and will bring up a screen on the remote PC where you can do a number of things – this includes starting the task manager. On the bottom right of this screen, there is a right icon where you can choose to restart, put it into sleep or shut down the remote PC (remember that if you do put the remote PC into sleep mode, or shut it down, you will not be able to restart it again without physical access!)